A communication is sent from TSC USA to leading Scottish American organizations, organizers of Games and Festivals, leading Clans, and individual National Tartan Day Coordinators, requesting their nominee. An organization or individual leading the National Tartan Day effort in their area may nominate ONE person per year to the TSC USA Selection Committee. TSC USA will use their existing network to send out call for nominations, with the expectation responses will be used to expand the network.
Nominations are to be submitted by email to
Or with a hard copy by mail to
The Scottish Coalition USA
864 Lexington Ave, 2nd Floor
New York NY 10065
Tel (929) 499-9025
- A citizen of the United States
- Male or Female
- Member in good standing of Nominating Organization or Individual of standing in the community
- Minimum of 10 years active involvement in project, or projects with nominating organization and others
- Nominees Name
- Nominating Organization or Individual – Address, Phone, Email
- Letter outlining in 100 words or less why the Nominee should receive the Tartan Day Award.
- Letter to note Board approval for nomination by organization (if applicable)
- Submitted by President/designated representative of organization or nominating individual
Supporting Documents:
Supporting Documents to include press, articles, examples of work undertaken by nominee. Letters of support from local leaders in the respective community may be included.
The Tartan Day Award is awarded annually, and will be awarded in Washington DC on or about April 6th in conjunction with the National Tartan Day Washington DC Reception in celebration of Tartan Day.
The Awardee will be invited to attend the reception in Washington DC. accepting the award in person. Travel is at Awardees own expense. Committee will look to arrange one nights hotel for the awardee in Washington DC.
Recipient of the Tartan Day Award will be invited/asked to give remarks at the reception and agree to be noted as recipient of the prestigious award recognizing outstanding dedication to the Scottish American community.