April 21 is John Muir’s birthday

April 21 is John Muir’s birthday

  This week as we celebrate Earth Week, The American-Scottish Foundation® spotlights naturalist and conservationist, John Muir.  Today, April 21 is John Muir’s birthday. Muir was born in Dunbar, Scotland, in 1838, his family moving to the US when he was 11 years...
Interview with Margaret Kelly

Interview with Margaret Kelly

Interview with Margaret Kelly. Margaret is a versatile performer who incorporates and celebrates her love for music in her performances. With influences ranging from pop, rock and Broadway, Margaret is a performer who truly captures the audience every time she...
April Fools Day – Huntigowk Day

April Fools Day – Huntigowk Day

April 1st is here – April Fools Day – Huntigowk Day     In Scots, a ‘gowk’ is a ‘cuckoo.’ So in Scotland, April Fools Day was originally called Huntigowk Day, or ‘hunt the cuckoo.’ Somehow, it doesn’t roll off of the tongue quite as smoothly as ‘April...